THERMOLITE® EcoMade 技术提供满足所有活动需求的轻盈保暖性。采用保暖功能的耐用中空纤维构成,该技术可用于服装和非服装产品中。此外,这种材料可使用 100% 回收塑料瓶或 100% 纺织品废料,也会得到具有环保意识的消费者的喜爱。
Clothes & Textile Waste are Catching up with us
Introducing new THERMOLITE® EcoMade Fibers
For the first time ever, The LYCRA Company launches a warming performance solution made from textile waste under their iconic THERMOLITE® EcoMade brand.
Clothes & Textile Waste are Catching up with us
Saved from landfills for a greater purpose
Using 100% textile waste as input to make commercial performance fibers, creating the beginning of a circular system.
Clothes & Textile Waste are Catching up with us
Partnering with brands and retailers on closing the loop
The LYCRA Company will be working with our partners to take back garment and stop the cycle of waste.
THERMOLITE® EcoMade insulations made from Textile Waste: Shaping the Future
Industry Leadership: A Vision
Consistently with our strong and unique circularity vision, our design principle is based on constantly benchmarking competitive products to deliver equal or superior performance with unique sustainability credentials. Our products are designed with high recycled content in mind with GRS certification and low BPA benefits.
Made from 100% textile waste and recycled PET for sustainable lightweight warmth.
- Battings: TW50-TL & TW50-ML
Thin-loft and mid-loft non-woven battings are made with ≥ 85% of recycled fibers, including ≥ 50% made from Textile Waste and ≥ 35% made from plastic bottles
Blown Insulation: TW100D
Fiber fill insulations are made from 100% recycled blown fibers from 100% Textile Waste
THERMOLITE® EcoMade Insulations Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles
A Unique Technology that Makes New Fibers
THERMOLITE® brand has a complete range of high-performance batting and blown insulations made from GRS certified fibers obtained from recycled PET bottles.
Made from 100% textile waste and recycled PET for sustainable lightweight warmth.
- Battings: T3
Non-woven battings are made with ≥ 35% recycled fibers sourced from used plastic bottles.
Battings: T3 Plus
Non-woven battings are made with ≥ 85% recycled fibers sourced from used plastic bottles.
- Blown Insulation: T-Down
Fiber fill insulations are made from 100% recycled blown fibers sourced from 100% used plastic bottles
From PET bottles to clothes
Go inside the fabric to see how this sustainable warming technology made from 100% recycled PET bottles works.
THERMOLITE® EcoMade Brand Sustainable Lightweight Warming Branded Technologies
What is THERMOLITE® technology?
THERMOLITE® EcoMade Brand technologies, a family of sustainable polyester fibers made from 100% textile waste or 100% recycled plastic bottles, are designed to deliver permanent lightweight warmth to all types of activities, garments and accessories, and consumer needs.
The warming solution consumers want
Key Consumer Expectations:
- WARM: Functional fabric, keeps me warm
- FEELS GOOD: Lightweight, feels like a second skin
- DURABILITY: long-lasting durable performance fabric
- VERSATILITY: can wear for different activities and occasions
- SUSTAINABILITY: addresses consumer's desire for more sustainable clothing
THERMOLITE® EcoMade Brand Sustainable Lightweight Warming Branded Technologies
Strong brand recognition
- by consumers who associate it with the key activewear need of warming
7 OUT OF 10:
- are likely to purchase garments made with THERMOLITE® technology
6 OUT OF 10:
- are more likely to purchase garment with THERMOLITE® technology versus generic
8 OUT OF 10:
- are willing to pay premium for a garment made with THERMOLITE® EcoMade technology
THERMOLITE® EcoMade Brand Sustainable Lightweight Warming Branded Technologies
Proven performance through stringent fabric standards & testing
- Unique, proprietary tests ensure excellent warming properties supported by dry time breathability, packability and other custom tests
- A stringent and rigorous testing you can rely on for the performance assurance that results from our certification process
- Fiber-based technology creates permanent performance
- STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX, Level 1 Appendix 6 and Global Recycle Standard (GRS)
Benefits of THERMOLITE® Technology
- 创造出轻盈、灵活的服装,以帮助穿着者保持温暖
- 用于成衣中,或作为夹克和睡袋的保暖材料
- 提供采用 100% 回收纺织品或塑料瓶制成的可持续服装
- 与新料相比,CO2 排放量降低 25%(适用于我们的 100% 纺织品废料产品),与使用不可再生资源的传统聚酯生产相比,这项技术带来的环境影响较低,天祥集团,2017 年,《再生聚酯切片和新料切片的半消光产品环境足迹对比报告》
- 利用可持续的性能提高您的价值主张
- 利用恒久保暖性能,树立品牌忠诚度
- 利用我们强大的全球品牌认知度,吸引注重优质保暖解决方案的消费者
- 适用于各种类型的服装,可满足消费者的需求
- 选择由纺织品废料制成的纤维,有助于实现循环经济目标
- 免费订购 THERMOLITE® 品牌吊牌,提高销量
- 通过提供具有高科技优势的可持续发展面料促进销
- 通过面料认证确保一贯的高性能
- 对您的面料进行认证,推动客户免费订购吊牌
- 订购纤维新料等同性能的 THERMOLITE® CORE 技术
- 附件
- 运动装
- 牛仔
- 户外服装
- 成衣
- 睡袋
- 棉袜
- 内衣
- 无缝服装
- 工作服
THERMOLITE® 品牌是全球消费者最认可的保暖科技品牌(Walnut Unlimited,2019 年)。利用我们品牌的高消费者认知度,通过推广使用 THERMOLITE® 技术,提高购买兴趣。
面料厂:您的面料经过测试和认证,能够促使您的客户通过 LYCRA ONE™ 门户网站订购 COOLMAX® 品牌吊牌。服装零售商销售的服装越多,您售出的面料越多,所以要鼓励您的客户在店内使用吊牌。
品牌:您可访问 LYCRA ONE™,免费订购 THERMOLITE® 品牌吊牌或挂卡,方便快捷。这些吊牌说明了每种技术的附加值和性能优势,有助于推动服装销售。您也可签署我们的商标许可协议,制作带有事先批准成分说明的联合品牌吊牌和销售端促销物料。
THERMOLITE® EcoMade technology made from 100% textile waste is our first-ever warming performance fiber made from cutting room scraps that would otherwise go to a landfill or be incinerated. See how this sustainable solution reduces waste and help us help the planet.

How THERMOLITE® EcoMade fiber made from 100% textile waste works
A step towards circularity
This webinar focuses on COOLMAX® and THERMOLITE® EcoMade fibers, which are now being made from 100% textile waste, and includes a discussion on the following topics: how these new products are made and how they differ from existing products, as well as how this new technology can help you meet your sustainability goals.

How THERMOLITE® EcoMade fiber made from 100% recycled PET works

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